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Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities
Quality Personal Assistant and Home Care Services
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Friday 24th September 2021
Make Way Day is a National Public Awareness Campaign that highlights the issues people with disabilities face getting around their local communities. "Hey, this blocks my way!" is the message.
The theme for this year’s campaign is
“Make Way in My 5k”
We once again take aim at obstacles like cars on the footpath, while taking measures to keep a safe distance. However, with the ongoing COVID pandemic we need to adapt the Make Way Day campaign for this year. You will be invited to undertake a survey of your area with an online easy-to-use tool designed by the Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) DFI. People will be empowered to give their 5K or area a rating from one to five stars depending on the obstacles they come across.
There will be a link to the tool on all Disability Federation of Ireland (DFI) social media platforms and website on Friday 24thn September. LAPWD will also share the link.
DFI will coordinate all the results and share them with the right people and work together to help solve the problems.
Thank you for your ongoing support for Make Way Day, which is vital to the success of the campaign. Make Way Day is a real team undertaking that has a positive impact in achieving local and national recognition of accessibility in our towns and communities.
“Make Way Day” is a campaign that brings the disability and wider community together to consider the needs of people with disabilities in the public spaces we all share.
It is led by the Disability Federation of Ireland and is a unique collaboration across Ireland and the voluntary and local government sectors. But most of all it’s about people with disabilities.
But everyone can get involved. And everyone should get involved because we’ve discovered thoughtlessness is the big issue. We’ve compiled a terrible top three of obstacles that stop people with disabilities in their tracks.
Most people are unaware of the problems these behaviour cause and we’ve found a friendly reminder is enough to get most people to change.
‘Make Way Day’ is not about pointing the finger at local authorities, other agencies or random scattered activism. The whole point of the day is making the public aware of an issue that is fully within their power to change. It’s about One impactful, coordinated and decisive day of action.
Leading the charge are people with disabilities. Local authorities and disability organisations supply removable stickers that are used to mark obstacles. “Hey, this blocks my way!” is our message. So, on 25th September each year obstacles that block the way and complicate the lives of people with disabilities for 365 days of the year are highlighted.
Better yet photos and videos are taken and posted and shared on social media using #MakeWayDay20. Our campaign and campaign video went viral in 2017 and one million people saw and shared posts last year.
Access is the most basic of all disability rights. The public footpaths are for everyone and we can all agree on that. In a wider context this one day focuses the mind on people with disabilities, their lives and needs.
The event will take place this year on Friday September 25th, 2020 with support so far from 29 local authorities, details here,
The campaign was phenomenally successful last year, reaching over 1,000,000 people on social media and appearing on RTE news bulletins across the day.
Leitrim Sports Partnership and CARA Inclusive Fitness Training
Online on Thursday the 13th of August from 1pm. - 4.30pm
Please contact if you are interested in the training course
A dedicated community support helpline has been established in Leitrim to assist at risk member of the public in accessing non-emergency and non-medical supports and advice during the current public health emergency. The confidential phone line service is established by the new Leitrim Covid-19 Community Response Forum, Which includes over a dozen agencies and organisations. The Helpline is focused primarily on ensuring that vulnerable members of the community or those living alone can access deliveries of groceries, medicines etc.
From Monday 30th March phone lines are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. , seven days a week.
Contact Number for Forum : 071 9650473
You can also email
Please call the number if you need help at this time.