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Free online course from Trinity College Dublin aims to improve health assessments for people with an intellectual disability


The Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability at Trinity College Dublin is launching a new Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) geared to healthcare professionals, care providers and others who work with people with an intellectual disability. This MOOC is partially-funded by the European Institute of Technology through their Health Knowledge and Innovation Community (EIT Health) which was established in 2008 to promote innovation and entrepreneurship across Europe.


For the first time in history, people with an intellectual disability are living well into old age. This success story is a result of improved health care, better living conditions, access to education, and community supports. Despite this success, the life expectancy of a person with an intellectual disability is nearly 20 years less than their non-disabled peers. For decades, health and health care inequalities among people with an intellectual disability have been an issue, due to inaccessible healthcare information and service provision. These challenges can increase exclusion from preventative screenings, delay regular health assessments, impact on quality of life, and further marginalise people with an intellectual disability.


Trinity’s free three-week online course will explore how to improve health assessments for people with an intellectual disability. Learners will explore best practice techniques for communication, assessment, and developing accessible materials for people with an intellectual disability. It is open for registration on the FutureLearn platform and starts on the 15th of January 2018. The lead educator is Dr Eilish Burke, Ussher Assistant Professor in Ageing and Intellectual Disability at Trinity College Dublin and the Associate Director of the Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability.


“My goal in creating this course,” said Dr Burke, “is to share techniques that all allied healthcare professionals can adapt to their clinical practise, enriching their skills and improving engagement with all patients, ultimately empowering individuals with an intellectual disability to be partners in health.”


To register for Trinity’s free online course, starting on the 15th of January 2018, please visit:


What are Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs)?

MOOCs are a free online learning experience.  Thousands of learners from all over the world come together to explore educational resources delivered by Trinity's leading academics.  Educational resources include videos, links, articles, simulations, reflections and discussion forums.  There is a focus on social learning where learners learn by communicating with one another in discussion forums. Trinity College has welcomed over 110,000 registered learners, from over 100 countries, to their five MOOCs since 2014.


Contact: Sarah Bowman Director of Engagement for the Trinity Centre for Ageing and Intellectual Disability

Next years Register of Electors is now being compiled. To ensure that you and members of your household will be registered complete and return the form.( contact us we can send you the form 0719651000)


A. Be sure to Include:

  • every person over 18 living at your address;
  • Any 17 year olds who will be 18 by 15th February next;
  • Any eligible person who normally lives at your address but is temporarily away;
  • The name and precious address of anyone listed over who had taken up residence in the past 2 years.

B. Do not include:

  • A visitor staying temporarily at your address.

C. Citizenship

While every resident is entitled to be registered, the registration authority (your city, county or city and county councils) need to know a person's citizenship to determine the elections at which they may vote.

The right to vote is as follows:

Irish citizens may vote at every election and referendum; British citizens may vote at Dáil, European and local elections; EU citizens( other that Irish and British Citizens) may vote a European and local elections: NON-EU citizens may vote at local elections.


Socialising with Hearing Loss

Information session

  • Practical tips on going out with family and friends
  • Coping with Background noise
  • Communication tips

Where: LAPWD, Station Rd, Mohill

When: October 14th 2017

Time: 10.30am-3pm

Light refreshments and sandwiches served on the day

If you are interested in attending this event please get in touch with us as soon as possible to confirm.

Contact Orla or Carmel



Text: 0867961324

LAPWD Building , Mohill

Wednesdays 2-4pm

Starting September 13th

Gospel, Pop, Sacred, Folk And Ballads

We do a bit of everything. Learn easy

Harmonies, strengthen your voice and have fun,

Everyone welcome.

€5 per session

Contact Sarah Garden0877620523


www.sarahgarden.ieYoga With Denise is also starting dates to follow

Call for information


Can I use my mother's Disabled Person's Parking Permit if I'm doing an errand for her?


The disabled persons parking permit can only be used by the person to whom it is issued. The permit shows the name and photograph of the person it has been issued to and you cannot use it unless that person is with you.  The permit allows the holder of the permit to use the public parking spaces that are specifically assigned for vehicles being used by a person with a disability.  These spaces or parking bays have the wheelchair symbol painted on the ground or have a sign with the wheelchair symbol displayed. Most accessible parking bays are located near amenities such as shops and schools.  Car parking spaces with the wheelchair symbol are usually wider that most other car parking spaces to enable drivers or passengers with a disability to get form their car seat to their wheelchair.  A disabled person's parking permit is only issued to a person with a disability. The parking permit can be used by the person with the disability for any vehicle they are travelling in.  This means that a person with a disability being driven at different times by different people can bring the parking permit and display it in whichever vehicle they are using.  The disabled person's permit is administered by the disabled drivers association of Ireland (DDAI) and the Irish Wheelchair Association ( IWA). Both organisations provide details information on using the disabled person's permit.

Charity Number: 12005

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