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Leitrim Association of people with Disabilities as supporters of the Disability Federation of Ireland led Campaign ‘Disable Inequality’ in Election 2016 are hosting an information and Awareness session in our;

Where: Action Ability Centre, Station Rd, Mohill

Day: Friday Feb 5th

Time:10.30am to 11.30am

Tea and coffee will be served

We are inviting all the candidates from Co. Leitrim to attend and hear firsthand the voice of our members and their immediate needs and concerns.

The session will be chaired by an independent person and we will have 3 people put forward the key issues confronting people with Disabilities. We will adhere to the time allocated as we realise your time is very precious during the campaign.

Disable Inequality, a major Election campaign for the disability movement is calling on the next Government to establish a Cabinet Minister for Disability Inclusion.

It is also calling for an end to the anomaly that means that people with disabilities cannot access many Government job activation schemes and the reinstatement of the €150m which has been taken out of disability health services since 2008. This is a grassroots movement election campaign that will engage the public and candidates across all 43 constituencies.

There are 600,000 people living with a disability in Ireland –that’s 13% of the population – a number that is growing as Ireland’s population ages.  Two in three people know or care for an immediate family member, a friend or a neighbour living with a disability. There are 4289 people with a disability living in County Leitrim. (Census 2011)

“This campaign is the first election campaign that gives people with disabilities and their families’ one focus and one voice.”

“Disable Inequality is simple, “With just two words it tells us that it is not the disability that we live with that is disabling.  It is the inequality that we live with that is disabling.”

Ireland is a deeply unequal country for people with disabilities, it is a country where discrimination, segregation and bias is a daily experience for people with disabilities. We’ve had lots of policies, we’ve had strategies, and we’ve had promises.  But we have never had a serious political commitment to ending the unfairness that is a systemic part of life for thousands of people and their families.  In this year of election and reflection we must disable inequality forever. The power of this campaign is in people’s stories, so we have mobilised our grassroots to tell their stories, to highlight the inequalities faced, one story at a time.”

People with disabilities are among the poorest and most marginalized groups in the country.  People with disabilities can’t access many Government job activation schemes because they are not considered to be on the live register.  People with disabilities have to give 24 hours notice if they want to travel by train (maybe a better local transport example). Children with disabilities often can’t attend their local schools because of the lack of basic supports. Does that seem fair to you?”

First, to go to and share their story of inequality, and encourage their friends and family to do the same. We want them to contact their local candidates from our website. And we want them to ask the candidates that knock on their door three powerful questions – What they will do to ensure: the appointment of a full minister for disability; that people with disabilities will have a fair income; and that people with disabilities have the same access to supports and services as everyone else. Disability needs to be a priority in the next Programme for Government. One vote at a time, we will disable inequality.”

We hope you can attend on the day and listen to the voices of people with Disabilities in Leitrim.

The Christmas Season is almost with us again. We wanted to draw to your attention the detail of the office closure over Christmas.

The office of LAPWD is closed on Wednesday December 23rd for the holidays and re-opening on Monday January 4th 2016. Services with clients will of course continue as agreed.

On Behalf of LAPWD we wish to thank you for your co-operation in 2015 and every good wish to you and your families for a happy and safe Christmas and New Year.

With a general election in the next few months it is important to remember you can only vote if you are on the official register of electors. The register is being updated and the new one will come into force on February 15th, 2016.

Person casting their vote

How do I know if I am on the register?

The register is available for inspection in all local authority offices, post offices,Garda Stations and puplic libraries. You can check online at

If I am not on the register or am registered at the wrong address what do i do?

The draft register for 2016 was published on November1st and the deadline forgetting on the amended version is this evening (Wednesday,November25th) If you are not on the draft register you have to complete a RFAI form which you can get from your local post office or puplic library and return it to your local authority. The same applies if you want to register at a new address.

It is too late for me to meet the deadline? Does that mean I won't be able to vote in the election?

No need to panic. you can still apply to be included in a suppiementary application form RFA2 has to submitted to your local authority at least 15 days before polling day.

Who is entitled to register to vote?

You must be at least 18 years old on the day the register comes into force on February 15th, and have been ordinarily resident in the state on September 1st of this year.

Charity Number: 12005

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