Consultation open on Review of Building Regulations – closing date 12th May.
We have a great chance now to get more Changing Places across the country. A
public consultation on the Review of Building Regulations to get more Changing
Places- toilet facilities in certain buildings is now open until 12th
May. This is great news for thousands of children and adults with disabilities
who are restricted in where they can go and what they can do because they will
not find a toilet with the equipment they need. We would encourage as
many people as possible to take part in the consultation and highlight how
important and necessary these facilities are. To show your support, send an
email to
to tell the Department there needs to be more "Changing Places" in
the country. It is easy to make a submission - check out for
a sample e mail.
We would encourage as many people
as possible to take part in the consultation and highlight how important and
necessary these facilities are.
To show your support, send an
email to to tell the Department there needs to
be more Changing Places in the country. It is easy to make a
submission and we have a sample email below which you can use as a template for
your own submission.
Sample email to send
“I wish to register my support for Changing Places toilet facilities
standards to be included in Part M building regulations.
Including Changing Places toilet facilities standards in Part M building
regulations is essential because:
- Changing Places toilet
facilities have minimum standards for room dimensions and specialised
equipment which are required in order for the many people who need such
facilities to have safe and hygienic access to toilet facilities in our
towns and communities.
- People who need a Changing
Places toilet are currently excluded from places and buildings because
public toilets; and standard accessible public toilets; do not meet their
toileting requirements. Part M regulations would ensure Changing Places
are available.
- The Changing Places Ireland
campaign has led to less than 20 registered changing places facilities
across the State in 7 years. Because there is a reliance on goodwill
rather than legislated inclusive design people continue to be excluded
from their towns and communities and from many opportunities most take for
granted such as access to work, recreation, retail, leisure, sporting,
education, economic and transport outlets. Part M regulations would ensure
inclusion is by design rather than by favours.
- There needs to be a
reasonable network of such facilities to provide inclusive access to the
built environment and infrastructure across Ireland, and to ensure basic
respect and dignity for everyone living in, working in, or visiting our
towns and communities. Part M regulations would ensure there is a network
of such facilities.”
You can add a personal comment to your email on your own experience and why
Changing Places Toilet Facilities are essential. Send your email to
Full detail on how to take part in the consultation, including an easy read
consultation document, are available here –
The closing date for the receipt of submissions and comments is no later
than 5:00 p.m. on 12 May, 2022.
We would encourage as many people as possible to take part in the
consultation and highlight how important and necessary these facilities are.