As many of you will be aware, September 30th is Make Way Day. As always, our aim is to educate and raise awareness of the needs of people with disabilities in the public spaces we all share.
Make Way Day is about one impactful, coordinated and decisive day of action to improve the access of our towns and cities for everyone.
“Hey, this blocks my way!” is our message.
Obstacles include anything that the public has control over.
For example:
- Cars/Vans parked on footpaths
- Wheelie Bins on footpaths
- Kegs on footpaths
- Sandwich boards/ signs on the footpath– (check local by-laws on sandwich boards)
- Overgrown hedges
- Bikes tied to lampposts/ railings
Lead the Way
Use your social media, your networks, your website to share the campaign materials and assets. Whether that is re-tweeting, sharing a video on Facebook or using our designed app to share your own story. We’ll be sharing lots of Make Way Day stories, videos and graphics on social media, so please like and share when you spot them.
When posting, use the hashtag #MakeWayDay22