With a general election in the next few months it is important to remember you can only vote if you are on the official register of electors. The register is being updated and the new one will come into force on February 15th, 2016.
How do I know if I am on the register?
The register is available for inspection in all local authority offices, post offices,Garda Stations and puplic libraries. You can check online at checktheregister.ie
If I am not on the register or am registered at the wrong address what do i do?
The draft register for 2016 was published on November1st and the deadline forgetting on the amended version is this evening (Wednesday,November25th) If you are not on the draft register you have to complete a RFAI form which you can get from your local post office or puplic library and return it to your local authority. The same applies if you want to register at a new address.
It is too late for me to meet the deadline? Does that mean I won't be able to vote in the election?
No need to panic. you can still apply to be included in a suppiementary application form RFA2 has to submitted to your local authority at least 15 days before polling day.
Who is entitled to register to vote?
You must be at least 18 years old on the day the register comes into force on February 15th, and have been ordinarily resident in the state on September 1st of this year.