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As the dark evenings are creeping in, so is the chill that comes with the winter months. Staying warm this winter is important for all of us, but more so for people with with pre existing health conditions, very young children and older people.

We have put together our top 5 tips for staying warm this winter, just for you.

A pair of feet in cosy socks leaning against the radiator

1. Heat the House

It is important to keep the house warm, as sitting in a cold house for long time could lead to hypothermia. The temperature of the rooms you use should be kept about 21 Degrees Celsius. If you have a timer, you can set it so the heating will come on before you get up in the morning.

2. Choose Cosy Footwear

Cosy footwear is a must on the cold mornings, so its time to get the fluffy socks from the back of the sock drawer. Who cares if they are covered in multicoloured stripes as long as you can feel your feet. Another alternative to keep your toes toasty is a pair of fur lined boots.

3. Keep Moving

We know it is tempting to curl up on the couch with a hot chocolate and a duvet but we urge you to resist. Doing some exercise helps keep you warm and keep the blood flowing, so your body can maintain it's core temperature.

4. Stock up on Essentials

Just in case you find yourself stuck, stock up on the essentials like food, water and fuel for the fire (or heating fuel). It is important to prepare for the worst and hope for the best.

5. Be a good Neighbour / Friend

Make sure others stay warm this winter, check on your neighbours and friends, especially should the weather take a turn for the worse. If you are aware of someone who may be particularly vulnerable, make a effort to reach out and offer a seat beside the fire if necessary.

Here at Leitrim Association of People with Disabilities we are very excited to officially launch our new website. After a lot of hard work and dedication, from the LAPWD team in collaboration with Adaptable Solutions, the finished product has  arrived.

Some of our goals with the new website were to make it faster, easier to navigate and more user friendly. Of course it is important to us to maintain our commitment to accessibility throughout, both ease of access to information and ease of use for people utilising assistive technologies.

Our clients are always our first priority and we aim for it to stay that way. So we have taken into account the vast array of digital devices, such as computers, tablets and smart phones, from which our customers may access our website.

One of the most noticeable changes to our website is the revamp of our homepage. From there you can link to all of our services and find out instantly all the latest news and upcoming events at LAPWD.

We wanted you to be able to get to know us better. Browsing through our about us section, you should get a pretty good idea of who we are as a company and what (who) drives our services.

Our team has worked to make sure our website is packed full of information that will be useful to you, our users. We pride ourselves in providing quality service in all areas of operation including our new website. If you have any problems with or feedback about our new website, we would love for you to contact us.

Charity Number: 12005

Website Developed by Adaptable Solutions